2020: The Year of Manifesting

2020: The Year of Manifesting
May 15, 2023

New Year’s Day has always been a holiday celebrated by many throughout the world. An opportunity to regroup and rebuild in the name of self-betterment is almost always the agenda. So how does one make 2020 different than the year before? When looking at the possibilities that the New Year can hold, we are often filled with excitement, anxiety, or both. With that being said how can we channel our anxiety as we enter a chance to rediscover ourselves.

The time is now to put your best self-forward. Anxiety is simply uncontrolled excitement with a bit of fear that with a mastered list or plan one can turn it into excitement as one begins to manifest what they truly desire in this lifetime. Create a short list of goals both personal and external within this first week of the New Year. Do not put pressure on yourself and write things that you think people would want to hear. The list should be strictly for your eyes only. A list of six strong goals is all you need to have a fantastic year. Additional victories and blessings always come on the journey to your manifestations and it is up to you to make sure you are at your best to notice them.

In this New Year do not neglect yourself and your body. Practice healthier habits such as dietary changes, personal hygiene, and frequent mental maintenance. Find self-care routines that help you destress. Something as simple such a haircut or pedicure can be something you decide to do as a way to remind yourself why you work as hard as you do. Remember to seek balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Never neglect one for the other and you will find yourself in perfect balance with the world around you. Exercise, deep-breathing, better nutrition, proper hydration can change ones’ life around within a short-period of time. Work at your own pace and never let the outside world rush your timeline. Be kind and mindful for the world and life is meant to be enjoyed.

With care,

Soulside Skincare

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