A Little Less Hate. A Little More Love.

A Little Less Hate. A Little More Love.
May 12, 2023

Hello to the special reader of this post! We are wishing you the best as we write this post on letting yourself grow and rise this Spring and going forward! As humans we tend to overthink and stress on things in our lives that we may not have control over. This Spring we are asking you guys to maybe try taking a new approach to your endeavors and your spiritual pursuits. Challenge yourself to fall in love with you again and allow yourself the opportunity to let your best out. Try to face the challenges that unfortunately dim your light with a new grace and finesse. Rise above all the darkest corners of your mind that tell you that you are not worthy enough when deep down you can feel your power.

For some people the joys of life seem dim especially as of late. We beat ourselves up for failures and failed promises that we made to ourselves and let that determine how we treat and view ourselves in this world where there seems to be a need for perfection. We ignore our best moments and continue to pick at our own souls by referencing our worst selves to further tattoo the emotion of “undeserving” perpetuate the things we hate the most. But what if we changed? What if you let yourself allow for the love you asked for to enter, the job you wanted, the car you look at with hope?

Challenge yourself to speak about your highlights, we make mistakes, we fail, we get angry but that is all part of this life! The thrill that we seek lives beyond the fears we create in our minds. Would approaching that stranger at the bar be as exciting if you always knew you would get the number? The unknown is where the magic happens and the only thing stopping you is the fear of what others think. Your perception of their perception is the fear we live in and we deserve to release ourselves from self-hate and scrutiny but to look at life with hope and a purpose. Do the things you love and watch others love it in return.

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